SuppHub is partnering with NutriDyn to provide Medical Providers and Pharmacists with Clinical Nutrition.
Medella Sciences has released a Clinical Grade CBD using the WHOLE plant at an affordable price.
Supphub has partnered with RJL, offering clinicians a portable and affordable BIA device. Now you can look at a patients body mass and much more in seconds.
Take control of your health and stop putting bandaids on your symptoms
Become a FDN-P and start learning how to connect the dots to go Upstream to get to the ROOT of your Symptoms
Genetics has a significant impact on THC (as well as CBD) metabolism. How much you need, the best types to take, the effect you will likely experience, as well as how likely you are to fail a drug test if that is a concern, are largely influenced by your genetic makeup. That’s especially important when it comes to dosing marijuana because cannabis compounds have “biphasic” properties, meaning that high and low doses can produce opposite effects, so getting it right is important when you want to calm anxiety rather than amplify it.
You’ll learn what your genotypes suggest about your tendency to lose weight and body fat in response to different types of diets and exercise programs. You will also gain insights into your potential status for a variety of micronutrients, as well as the likely health effects you may experience from regular exercise. Your analyzed genotype results are followed by a detailed explanation and success strategy.
Genetic Directions medical team has evaluated your potential response and taken in to account what evidence-based research recommendations on diet and exercise suggest are the optimal approach for effective body weight management.
We choose Vibrant-America & Vibrant-Wellness because of their vast array of labs that can be ran.
Finally Answers
High specificity rates at the lowest cost to you.
Cardio Metabolic
Food Sensitives
Mycotoxins & Fungal Antibodies
Neuro Health
Virus Panel
Athletic Performance
GI Zoomer